
Five Ways Technology Can Improve Your Climate Disclosure

Our white paper explores five ways that climate disclosure technology can help improve corporate climate reporting, as well as its value-add for small sustainability teams and consultants.

TCFD & Climate Disclosure Questions Answered"

TCFD & Climate Disclosure: Answering your Questions

Looking to have your reporting aligned with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework? Not sure what to include in your climate disclosure? Recently, we…

What Companies Need to Know About Climate Disclosure and TCFD

June 23, 2020 Climate change poses threats and opportunities to organizations, increasing calls for better climate-related disclosure and resiliency planning. The Task Force on Climate-related…

Aligning climate and trade

A report on a blue background

Beyond PRI: How to Identify Climate Leaders

Your investment manager is a PRI signatory, but do they understand climate change? If asset owners want to ensure their investments are climate resilient, having…

Data on a peach background

The State of Canadian Climate Disclosures

Climate-related financial disclosures by some of Canada’s largest companies are improving, but more work is required to boost the quality of disclosures and to align…

Report: Financial Risk of Climate Change in a Transition to a Low-Carbon World

Manifest’s (formerly Mantle314) research paper for the University of British Columbia (UBC) highlights for investors how climate change science and risks translate into financial impacts….