
Five Ways Technology Can Improve Your Climate Disclosure

Our white paper explores five ways that climate disclosure technology can help improve corporate climate reporting, as well as its value-add for small sustainability teams and consultants.

Three people looking at a graph on the screen on a green background

Climate Change is Transforming the Financial Landscape through Disclosure, Divestment and Duty

The Bank of England governor, Mark Carney, recently delivered a stark warning detailing the various risks global markets and the financial community face as a result of…

Momentum Builds on the Path to Paris: Papal Encyclical and Dutch Court Demand Greater Climate Action

As the international community prepares to negotiate a global agreement on climate change at COP21/CMP11 this December in Paris, two institutions have recently taken unprecedented actions to…

A law book on a yellow background

Shareholders Sue U.S. Corporation for Improper Disclosure of Environmental Liabilities

Shareholders and investors are increasingly asking for more information on environmental risks and liabilities. Investors in the United States filed a securities class action lawsuit claiming that…

U.S. Establishes New Federal Flood Risk Management Standard to Account for Climate Risks

On Friday (January 30, 2015), President Obama issued an executive order requiring all federally-funded construction projects to adopt more stringent siting and building standards to account for increased…

Paper: Canada Electricity Generation and Transmission Sectors’ Action and Awareness

This primer provides an overview of the concept of embodied carbon and describes how life cycle assessment (LCA) can be used to calculate and minimize…

Understanding Canadian Electricity Generation and Transmission Sectors’ Action and Awareness on Climate Change and the Need to Adapt

The electricity generation and transmission sectors are among the most at risk of being disrupted by climate change. Our recent study, “Understanding Canada Electricity Generation and…