With COP 22 coming to a close in Marrakech last week, the Government of Canada quietly released a report titled Canada’s Mid-Century Long-Term Low-GHG Development Strategy at the conference. The report outlines the path required to reach the net emissions decrease of 80% by 2050 from 2005 levels; consistent with Canada’s commitments to the Paris Agreement to […]
Halfway Through Marrakesh Climate Talks: Reflections on Continued International Diplomacy and Climate Leadership
The Paris Agreement established the international consensus on the need for universal goals to address climate change and will continue to aid in pushing forward international developments towards those goals. Working towards those goals have become economic and pragmatic realities, despite political winds. In Marrakesh, despite a quick entry into force of the Paris Agreement, we are seeing […]
Momentum in Marrakech – Leading Up to COP 22
On December 12, 2015, 195 nations spoke with one voice about the need to create a low carbon and climate resilient future and struck the historic Paris Agreement. This November 2016, delegates from around the world will gather again in Marrakech, Morocco for the Marrakech Climate Change Conference for the twenty-second session of the Conference of the Parties to […]