
Five Ways Technology Can Improve Your Climate Disclosure

Our white paper explores five ways that climate disclosure technology can help improve corporate climate reporting, as well as its value-add for small sustainability teams and consultants.

News Update: Ontario Green Bank Regulations Finalized

O. Reg. 46/17: Ontario Climate Change Solutions Deployment Corporation (OCCSDC) enters into force. On February 17th, the Ontario government released the final regulations that will govern the…

Building Climate Competency in Corporate Boardrooms

Building Climate Competency in Corporate Boardrooms

Corporate boards are not adequately equipped to deal with a changing climate, according to recent studies.  There is growing interest in companies’ exposure to climate…

The World Economic Forum in a beige background

Climate Risks Rank Prominently in WEF’s Global Risks Report

The latest Global Risks Report highlights climate-related concerns as some of the more notable risks for 2017. In the 12th edition of the Global Risks Report,…

Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change Outlines Coordinated Plan for Significant Emissions Reductions

Following the First Ministers’ Meeting on December 9th, Canada’s First Ministers issued a joint communiqué and released the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change (the “Framework”). Governments…

A cityscape of a city at sunset with a pink and orange sky

Homeowners and Businesses Increasingly Expected to Take Flood Risk Reduction into Own Hands

Floods are one of the most expensive natural disasters endured by North Americans today. According to the Insurance Bureau of Canada, an estimated 1.7 million…

A laptop with different graphs on it

TCFD Releases Phase 2 Report and Recommendations

Today, FSB’s Task Force on Climate Financial Disclosure (TFCD) released its Phase II report with recommendations for climate-related voluntary disclosures within mainstream financial reporting. The TFCD states…