
Five Ways Technology Can Improve Your Climate Disclosure

Our white paper explores five ways that climate disclosure technology can help improve corporate climate reporting, as well as its value-add for small sustainability teams and consultants.

A logo for the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), in peach

Momentum in Marrakech – Leading Up to COP 22

On December 12, 2015, 195 nations spoke with one voice about the need to create a low carbon and climate resilient future and struck the historic Paris…

Laura Zizzo Named Among Canada’s 2017 “Clean50 Leaders”

We are pleased to announce that Laura Zizzo (Founder and CEO) has been named as one of Canada’s “Clean50” for 2017! The Clean50 award recognizes sustainability leaders…

All U.S. Government Agencies Must Now Consider Climate Change in Decision-Making

On August 2, 2016, the White House Council on Environmental Quality released its final guidance for Federal agencies on how to consider the impacts of their actions…

Three people looking at a graph on the screen on a orange background

Financial Services Sector Uniquely Placed to Address Climate Risk

Industry leaders continue to urge companies to integrate climate change into business strategies, financial disclosures and risk management processes. Mark Carney opted to focus on…

Ontario Releases Ambitious Climate Change Action Plan

This morning, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne released Ontario’s Climate Change Action Plan (the “Plan”). The Plan outlines how the proceeds of Ontario’s Cap and Trade…

Obama Administration Pushes for Climate-Smart Acquisitions

The U.S. Federal Government just proposed a new rule that would drive greater disclosure of climate change information in the Federal Government’s supply chain. The…