Tag: climate action

Climate Transition Increasing Risks for Unprepared Investors

Climate Transition Increasing Risks for Unprepared Investors Climate Transition Increasing Risks for Unprepared Investors

The COVID-19 crisis is reinforcing for companies and investors the importance of preparing for global systemic risks. While it is difficult to foresee a global pandemic, investors should not be surprised when the well-documented risks of the global climate crisis impact their investment portfolios. In a recently published Manifest research paper for the University of British Columbia, […]

Welcome Jeremy Greven as President

Welcome Jeremy Greven as President A man named Jeremy on a beige background

Message from our CEO Now, more than ever, innovative technology is needed to solve global challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing climate emergency. We exist to help organizations understand and manage climate risk and opportunity and we need to scale to have a greater impact. To support this vision, I’m thrilled to […]

Top 3 Misconceptions About TCFD Climate Disclosures

Top 3 Misconceptions About TCFD Climate Disclosures Top 3 Misconceptions About TCFD Climate Disclosures

One of the services Manifest provides is helping companies prepare climate disclosures aligned with the recommendations from the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). The TCFD recommendations provide companies with a framework to discuss their climate risks and opportunities under four themes: governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets. Since the June 2017 […]

New EU Taxonomy Aims for a Rapid Increase in Sustainable Investing

New EU Taxonomy Aims for a Rapid Increase in Sustainable Investing A person working on a tablet with green graphs and charts on the screen

Investor demand for sustainable investments is growing, but the exact definition of sustainable has traditionally relied on self-reporting or industry standards, creating confusion and a lack of traceability for investors. The new European Union taxonomy, released in early March, aims to assist investors and companies by providing a common language for sustainable activities. By providing a […]

How to Manage your Company’s Climate Risks and Harness Opportunities

How to Manage your Company’s Climate Risks and Harness Opportunities Locks on a beige background

Over the next 20 years, we will experience receding ice cover, heatwaves, rising sea levels, wildfires, storm surges and other extreme weather events. These climate impacts could cause significant losses, damage, or disruptions to our food systems, drinking water, infrastructure, and the energy systems that fuel our modern lives. They may also disturb our forests and ecosystems, […]

Time for a Bold Response to our Converging Health and Climate Emergencies

Time for a Bold Response to our Converging Health and Climate Emergencies A megaphone on a blue background

The current COVID-19 health crisis portends a future with increased climate-related disruptions where multiple shocks occur causing significant impacts to systems and economies. This experience has highlighted resiliency gaps across businesses, governments and institutions. At the same time, seeing how the global community, businesses, and citizens have come together to mitigate a collective risk that […]

BlackRock’s Climate Warning Needs to Match their Climate Actions

BlackRock’s Climate Warning Needs to Match their Climate Actions The BlackRock logo on an orange background

BlackRock CEO Larry Fink’s latest annual letter to CEOs “A Fundamental Reshaping of Finance” immediately made waves in the financial community and the media because of its urgent call for all companies to recognize and account for the risks of climate change. The letter said the failure to account for these risks would put billions […]

Where Could a Minority Parliament Find Common Ground?

With Canada’s federal election now complete, the focus is turning towards what the next government will look like. For the first time in more than a decade, no party won a majority of seats. There are many unanswered questions about what a new government will look like and how the different parties will (or won’t) […]

4 Tips for Businesses from Climate Week NYC

4 Tips for Businesses from Climate Week NYC The New York skyline on a blue background

Climate Week in New York City just wrapped up, and we were in attendance. With more than 300 events taking place, we couldn’t attend everything—but we had a presence at several events discussing the role of sustainable finance and the importance of businesses taking action on climate. Here are the top four things that we […]

Top 5 Takeaways from the PRI’s Leading Conference on Sustainable Finance

Top 5 Takeaways from the PRI’s Leading Conference on Sustainable Finance A peach-colored podium with a microphone in front of a stage

Last week, Manifest’s Joy Williams and Laura Zizzo attended, along with 1,700 participants, the annual PRI in Person conference: “Responsible investing in an age of urgent transition.” The Principles of Responsible Investing (PRI) is an investor initiative in partnership with the UNEP Finance Initiative and the UN Global Compact. PRI signatories pledge to implement six principles […]